‘Love is the ultimate luxury, the soul of jewe llery, let your love be part of our mesmerising creations.’ – James Ganh
Inspired by his love and Artisan creation, James Gahn has entered the jewellery world just in 2008. Although, he is new in European Jewellery field, but his strength in jewellery innovation is invaluable. Ganh has a passion for creating a unique design, contemporary, high jewellery innovative craft into any desirable jewellery and his sense for eastern and western beauty is irreplaceable.
In his words, James Ganh describes ‘Love is the ultimate luxury, the soul of jewellery, let your love be part of our mesmerising creation.
It is in Ganh’s creation of art he sees the value of Love which differentiates James Ganh in the world of luxury today. And, it is that inspiration, innovation of jewellery engineering, and the authenticity of his craftsmanship, passion for Love, eye for details and pioneering vision for innovation builds the foundation of Ganh's world.
What make us, James Ganh and I similar are our devotion for love. His devotion for romance is like The Tsar Emperor who commissioned Peter Carl Fabergé to create the Easter Egg as a surprise present for his wife In 1887, the Empress Maria. And, my devotion to be able to love and see through his artisan creation which was devoted to that love of innovation.
I laid eyes on James Ganh's jewellery engineering when I just started my blogging in jewellery. I was searching a jewellery, close to a soul that can connect me and take my breath away with something unusual, unique and mesmerising. I found that James Ganh had it all, here they are exquisite, trendy enough to be favourited among A-list celebrities and models.
Ganh’s versatility around jewellery world started from very early age, main influence (his father has a diamond cutting and polishing factory in China) and continued jewellery design studies at London’s Central St Martins. Ganh’s love, passion for jewellery has grown that he has got a job in Faberge in 2013 as a sales person at one of Faberge’s flag stores.
James Ganh currently works from his by-appointment-only showroom in London’s St James. Ganh has established his brand label in 2015 and since then he has been delighting his A-list celebrity clients.
Ganh tend to work on rich colourful stones; rubies, sapphires, bright turquoise, the pieces that are done for his Tibetan clients, for whom turquoise brings luck and good fortune and heavily featuring emeralds.

Ganh goes back to his Cantonian tradition when creating fine pieces, this is what regarded as negatives: CAD and Cantonese manufacturing. Ganh continues to indicate that some of the best craftspeople work in China and Hong Kong. James Ganh is a jewellery engineer and innovation guru of transformable jewels, hardstone and diamond flower can be worn as pendants or affixed onto colourful coctail rings has rotating spikes or one of his masterpiece work is a hidden jewellery set around on a big wheel.
His set of skills are undeniable and it is hard to disagree with his never to be repeated, exquisite design.